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[ecal-dev] Committer Election for Peter Günschmann on Eclipse eCAL (enhanced Communication Abstraction Layer) has started

A committer election for Peter Günschmann on project Eclipse eCAL (enhanced
Communication Abstraction Layer) (automotive.ecal) was started by Florian
Reimold with this criteria:

Peter Günschmann has made an impact on the project.
He is working full time since the beginning of the year on Continental
internal management topics for eCAL. He is supposed to replace me (Florian
Reimold) as test- and release manager. This is necessary, as I will
temporarily phase out of the project. Having Peter Günschmann as comitter is
necessary, so I can train him in what I have been doing so far.
The tasks are:
- Managing support branches, Cherry-picking and managing PRs
- Writing Changelogs
- Creating release documentation
- pre-testing releases
- final-testing release
- tagging pre-releases and releases on GitHub
- Creating releases on the Eclipse Project page
- Managing GitHub Actions
- Managing the Eclipse Jenkins

Additionally Peter is working on eCAL Features, but he hasn't finished any
commit, yet, as he is too busy doing all the other tasks and we will not
merge unfinished code just to have a commit.

Eclipse eCAL (enhanced Communication Abstraction Layer) project committers
can click the election link below to vote.



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