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Re: [e4-dev] E4 Formal API Part 1: Dependency Injection

@Active MPart != @Named(IServiceConstants.ACTIVE_PART) MPart
@Active Shell != @Named(IServiceConstants.ACTIVE_SHELL) Shell

See so @Active
makes sense!


Am 05.03.13 16:13, schrieb Eric Moffatt:
> OK, thanks for the info Jonas. The annotation makes sense but my concern
> is that we now have two different but equivalent mechanisms to keep
> synch'd with the active part; @Active and
> "@Named(_IServiceConstants._/_ACTIVE_PART_/". In general I prefer to
> avoid this type of duplication so I think I'll mark both patterns as
> 'provisional' for now and we can come up with an appropriate pattern in
> Luna.
> Note that we also have the third mechanism that *will* be API which is
> to use the EPS 'getActivePart()' method. It's old-school but will be
> familiar to current eclipse users so it'll do for now (but I'm a
> complete convert to DI so over time I'd love to get to a point where
> there are *no* accessors in any service).
> Folks, this is something good for you all to weigh in on...of the two
> patterns above which would make more sense for us to standardize on ?
> Using the explicit annotations is both clearer (and easier to type...;-)
> but may end up with too many annotations eventually (how many is too
> many ? don't know).
> The @Named pattern is quite a bit more flexible in that you don't have
> to add new annotation interfaces for each.
> We likely want to use both depending on the particular circumstance but
> how do we decide which to use ? What we don't want IMO is that it
> becomes arbitrary, causing our clients to have to search for the right
> one or having to duplicate everything in both styles...
> Onwards,
> Eric
> From: 	Jonas Helming <jonas.helming@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: 	E4 Project developer mailing list <e4-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 	03/04/2013 05:47 PM
> Subject: 	Re: [e4-dev] E4 Formal API Part 1: Dependency Injection
> Sent by: 	e4-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi,
> you write that @Active is not used. I actually use it quite frequently,
> e.g. to retrieve the active part. So I would prefer it to be API if
> possible.
> Cheers
> Jonas
> Am 04.03.2013 22:21, schrieb Eric Moffatt:
> It's amazing what a week's vacation will do...;-).
> I've updated the wiki at _
> contain the current set of API that we expect to formalize within the
> next couple of weeks. I encourage anybody who's interested to go there
> and check it out...especially for things that I may have missed...if it
> is *not* on that page then will won't be API (at least for Kepler).
> Comments welcome...
> I'll try to get something similar put together for the Mode tomorrow and
> then on to the various services...
> Eric
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