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Re: [e4-dev] E4 Formal API Part 1: Dependency Injection

you write that @Active is not used. I actually use it quite frequently, e.g. to retrieve the active part. So I would prefer it to be API if possible.

Am 04.03.2013 22:21, schrieb Eric Moffatt:

It's amazing what a week's vacation will do...;-).

I've updated the wiki at to contain the current set of API that we expect to formalize within the next couple of weeks. I encourage anybody who's interested to go there and check it out...especially for things that I may have missed...if it is *not* on that page then will won't be API (at least for Kepler).

Comments welcome...

I'll try to get something similar put together for the Mode tomorrow and then on to the various services...

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