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Re: [e4-dev] Themes for Eclipse 4

Hello Mike,

as suggested by you I opened a separate bugs for the styling of the table header:

I keep track of all related CSS styling bugs, I suggest to have a master bug which keeps a reference to all related bugs. I opened for this purpose: and linked to 384906 and 384906.

Best regards, Lars

2012/7/11 Mike Wilson <Mike_Wilson@xxxxxxxxxx>

Let's separate the concerns as much as possible. The SWT is very short staffed over this summer, so we need to do what we can to help them. Hint: So anybody who wants to work on the *implementation* should definitely be talking to them. I have no idea whether *any* of these are possible yet, but the more help they get the more likely it will be.


Inactive hide details for Lars Vogel ---07/11/2012 06:35:13 AM---Hi Mike, I think we have an bug for the styling of table headeLars Vogel ---07/11/2012 06:35:13 AM---Hi Mike, I think we have an bug for the styling of table header:

From: Lars Vogel <lars.vogel@xxxxxxxxx>

To: E4 Project developer mailing list <e4-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Cc: e4-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 07/11/2012 06:35 AM

Subject: Re: [e4-dev] Themes for Eclipse 4
Sent by: e4-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Mike,

I think we have an bug for the styling of table header:

The bug combines menus and tables and I think the discussion in the bug mainly evolves around menus. Maybe it is better to create a separate bug for the table headers?

Best regards, Lars

2012/7/10 Mike Wilson <Mike_Wilson@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Well, one possibility would be (for SWT) to hide the standard headers and "custom draw" an equivalent (if you've styled them). Obviously, this is a lot of work, but if that's what's standing in the way of the theming flexibility we want, then we should consider it. I'm not going to assume, a priori, any restrictions on what is possible. If you need the capability enter a bug requesting it.


    Inactive hide details for Brian de Alwis ---07/10/2012 02:29:22 PM---On 10-Jul-2012, at 1:32 PM, Roger Dudler wrote: > For examBrian de Alwis ---07/10/2012 02:29:22 PM---On 10-Jul-2012, at 1:32 PM, Roger Dudler wrote: > For example, how would you achieve to style those

    Brian de Alwis <briandealwis@xxxxxxxxx>
    E4 Project developer mailing list <e4-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
    07/10/2012 02:29 PM

    Re: [e4-dev] Themes for Eclipse 4
    Sent by:

    On 10-Jul-2012, at 1:32 PM, Roger Dudler wrote:
    > For example, how would you achieve to style those headers and grid lines in the attached Table?

    Those are Aqua widgets and can't be changed, just like SWT Button(SWT.PUSH). The only solution is to change to a different platform, I think!


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