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Re: [e4-dev] Re: CSS with Forms...


If you'd ask me forms are not needed any more in E4 because you style
completely using CSS. Naturally that's my personal opinion but currently
nobody is really working on the IIRC.

I've done that for QT (and UFaceKit) [1] already and it works out great
so some of the classes from the forms plugin (like the Text-Field with
HTML-Markup) can find a new home or have already substitutes in
JFace-Text but the nice looking gradients are no needed any more.



Remy Chi Jian Suen schrieb:
> Hi Code Writer,
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 4:54 PM, code writer <code.writer@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> With FormToolkit, the easiest way to customize colors is to change the
>> values of the colors using
>> "org.eclipse.ui.forms.FormColors" like this :
>> To customize the form colors we simply override the CSSSWTEngine .
> So I take it you have followed the blog's method by passing in your
> own FormColors instance to your toolkit during construction? It seems
> that this approach allows a developer to easily customize how their
> Forms controls looks like but does not however address the potential
> need of completely styling an entire application with unified colours
> (as different plug-ins may style their Forms controls differently).
>> I will submit soon some of our code to share it with the community.
> I look forward to hearing more from you and others. I hacked up the
> Forms support purely for experimentation purposes but probably won't
> work on it again anytime soon since CSS SWT support takes precedence.
> Remy
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