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[dtp-dev] DTP 0.9 RC5 6/15 build

The DTP 0.9 RC5 6/15 build is now available on the download site.

As mentioned before, we'd like to consider tomorrow's (6/16) build RC5. By
the end game schedule, this build would happen on Monday (6/19), but doing
it on Friday will allow us to test and propagate an update site for
Callisto. Please let dtp-pmc know if you want to hold the RC5 build until
Monday: if we do not get a request by the end of today, we'll go with the
Friday build.

Also, any open TVT bugs that don't make it into the RC5 build should have
their resolution set to "LATER."

John Graham
Eclipse Data Tools Platform PMC Chair
Staff Software Engineer, Sybase, Inc.

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