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Re: [dtp-dev] bug#145157 - Derby Synonym issue

Additionally, I've noticed that the base SQL model does not align very well
with the default containers.  For example, there is a views container, but
no views container on the Schema object (furthermore, views are added to
the tables container by the two supplied catalog loaders, Derby and generic
JDBC); SP's and UDF's are individually distinguished within the model, but
are exposed through the routines container by the Derby catalog loader;  no
SP's or UDF's are loaded by the generic JDBC catalog loader.

Also, I think the generic JDBC catalog loader should be enhanced to fully
populate the model (e.g. SP's, UDF's, UDT's, super/sub tables, etc.).  It
currently only populates views and tables.


dtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 06/06/2006 06:55:35 AM:

> Adding to Hui's thoughts, I think this will have some bearing on
> issue covered the mail I sent earlier, reg. the SynonymFolder
> created within Derby context showing in non-Derby Schemas too.
> Regards
> Anthos
> On 06/06/2006, at 8:56 PM, Hui.Cao@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi Larry,
>         I also debugged into the XXXContainmentProvider classes as
> Anil did and found that the getContainedElements method in
> ContainmentProviders is not called by the framework at all. But at
> first I thought this should be the most important API in
> ContainmentProvider. So I created a defect 145506 for this problem
> and the following is the defect description:
>         We have a requirement to show the schema objects for a
> specific database in DSE in a different way with the default behavior.
> At first, I considered using "logicalContainment" extension point
> defined in org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.core. Enablement
> plugins are required to provide extensions to it and I thought it
> would give us the capability to arrange sql model objects freely.
> But Actually the logical relationship in DSE is determined by
> ServerExplorerVNodeContentProviderNav class. E.g. to display
> children of a schema object, we have the following code in
> ServerExplorerVNodeContentProviderNav:
>         protected Object[] displaySchemaChildren (Object parent)
>         {
>             DatabaseDefinition df = getDatabaseDefinition (parent);
>                 List collection = new ArrayList (7);
>                 collection.add(nodeFactory.makeTableNode(TABLE,
> TABLE, parent));
>                 collection.add(nodeFactory.makeViewNode(VIEW, VIEW,
>                 collection.add(nodeFactory.
> makeStoredProcedureNode(STORED_PROCEDURE, STORED_PROCEDURE, parent));
>                 collection.add(nodeFactory.makeUDFNode(UDF, UDF,
> ...
> While at the same time, in XXXContainmentProvider, the
> getContainedElements method are never called by the framework. E.g.
> in SchemaContainmentProvider:
>         public Collection getContainedElements(EObject obj) {
>                 Collection children = super.getContainedElements(obj);
>                 Schema schema = (Schema) obj;
>                 children.addAll(schema.getTables());
>                 children.addAll(schema.getRoutines());
>                 children.addAll(schema.getSequences());
>                 children.addAll(schema.getUserDefinedTypes());
>                 children.addAll(schema.getAssertions());
>                 children.addAll(schema.getCharSets());
>                 return children;
>         }
> My thought is: since the logicalContainment extension point is
> already there, why can't we enhance it and move the containment code
> from ServerExplorerVNodeContentProviderNav to
> XXXContainmentProvider? So that enablement plugins will have more
> flexibility to control the logical relationships between the sql
> model objects in DSE. Of course, we also have to handle
>  contributions from multiple vendors properly. The following code
> snippet just show one of the possibilites:
>       <containment
>             class="Schema"
>             provider="org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.
> internal.core.containment.SchemaContainmentProvider">
>             <includes>
>                <databaseDefinition vendor="DB2" version="8.2"/>
>             </includes>
>       </containment>
> Any thoughts? Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!
> Best Regards!
> Max ( Hui ) Cao
> DTP SQL Dev Tools Committer
> Sr S/W Eng - Dev
> Sybase, Inc. Shanghai, China

> Lawrence E Dunnell <ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent by: dtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 06/06/2006 02:03 AM
> Please respond to
> DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To
> DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [dtp-dev] bug#145157 - Derby Synonym issue
> If all of the DTP projects are pulled into a workspace, then Eclipse
> can check for references to AbstractContainmentProvider in DTP.  I
> did this and found that several of the classes (I did not check them
> all) extending AbstractContainmentProvider override all the methods, so
> AbstractContainmentProvider would never get called.
> Larry Dunnell
> Internet address: ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx

> Anil T Samuel <anil.samuel@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent by: dtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 06/04/2006 05:58 PM
> Please respond to
> DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To
> DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> cc
> Subject
> [dtp-dev] bug#145157 - Derby Synonym issue

> Hi
> When I tried a Debug with breakpoints in all methods of
> AbstractContainmentProvider and DerbySynonymContainmentProvider, the
> execution didnot stop in any of these. I can understand in case
> DerbySynonymContainmentProvider since the folder/group itself is not
> appearing in DSE; but what about AbstractContainmentProvider ?
> Regards
> Anthos
> Lawrence E Dunnell wrote:
> >
> > By the way, my change for
> > 145157 will not fix the problem.  However,
> >
> > I was able to repro this in the debugger and it will require a code
> > change.
> > Still investigating the solution.
> >
> > Larry Dunnell
> > Internet address: ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > *jograham@xxxxxxxxxx*
> > Sent by: dtp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > 06/02/2006 05:14 PM
> > Please respond to
> > DTP PMC mailing list <dtp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> >
> >
> > To
> >                  DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > cc
> >                  dtp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject
> >                  [dtp-pmc] Re: [dtp-dev] DTP 0.9 RC5 6/2 2nd build
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Larry,
> >
> > Thanks very much for the quick turn around on these issues!
> >
> > For 145156, I think the best solution for Callisto is to deliver this
> > plug-in unjarred, and then work on the necessary changes later. If the
> > agrees, this will just be a simple change to the build process for this
> > plug-in.
> >
> > Regards,
> > John Graham
> > Eclipse Data Tools Platform PMC Chair
> > Staff Software Engineer, Sybase, Inc.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >             Lawrence
> >
> >
<ledunnel@xxxxxx.                                          To
> >             com>                      DTP development mailing
> >             Sent
by:                  <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
dtp-dev-bounces@e                                          cc
> >                dtp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >                                       Re: [dtp-dev] DTP 0.9 RC5 6/2
> >             06/02/2006
07:49          build
> >
> >             Please respond
> >              DTP
> >               mailing
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The fix 145156 turns out to not be trivial and world require a change
> > the labeService extension point implementation and to all consumers of
> > extension point.  The PMC will have to decide whether or not to make
> > such a
> > change this late in the game.  The workaround is to not single-jar the
> > plug-in.
> >
> > I am unable to repro 145156 in my workspace under the debugger.  I did
> > notice some issues in the plugin.xml for the
> > org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.derby plug-in and committed the
> > changes.
> > We'll have to test another build to see if that fixed the problem.
> >
> > Larry Dunnell
> > Internet address: ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >
> >
> > Lawrence
> >
> > Sent by:
> > dtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx                    DTP development
> >                                                list
>                                                                        cc
> > 06/02/2006 03:48
> >
> >                                                Re: [dtp-dev] DTP 0.9
> >          Please respond to                     6/2 2nd
> >    DTP development mailing
>        <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                              

> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I am testing a fix for these two problems.  Will deliver soon.  It
> > looks to
> > be a trivial change to plugin.xml.
> >
> > Larry Dunnell
> > Internet address: ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >
> >
> > Sent by:
>                                                                        To
> > 06/02/2006 02:44 PM
>                                                                        cc
> >             Please respond to
> >       DTP development mailing list                    [dtp-dev] DTP
> >           <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>                       RC5 6/2 2nd
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > A second build of DTP 0.9 RC5 6/2 is now available on the DTP download
> > site. This contains a fix for the problem of synonyms not appearing in
> > Data Source Explorer tree:
> >
> >
> >
> > Note that we have observed the following bugs in this area, neither of
> > which functionally impact this new build:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > John Graham
> > Eclipse Data Tools Platform PMC Chair
> > Staff Software Engineer, Sybase, Inc.
> >
> >
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