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Re: [dtp-dev] bug#145157 - Derby Synonym issue

Adding to Hui's thoughts, I think this will have some bearing on issue covered the mail I sent earlier, reg. the SynonymFolder created within Derby context showing in non-Derby Schemas too.

On 06/06/2006, at 8:56 PM, Hui.Cao@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hi Larry,
        I also debugged into the XXXContainmentProvider classes as Anil did and found that the getContainedElements method in ContainmentProviders is not called by the framework at all. But at first I thought this should be the most important API in ContainmentProvider. So I created a defect 145506 for this problem and the following is the defect description:

        We have a requirement to show the schema objects for a specific database in DSE in a different way with the default behavior.
At first, I considered using "logicalContainment" extension point defined in org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.core. Enablement plugins are required to provide extensions to it and I thought it would give us the capability to arrange sql model objects freely. But Actually the logical relationship in DSE is determined by ServerExplorerVNodeContentProviderNav class. E.g. to display children of a schema object, we have the following code in ServerExplorerVNodeContentProviderNav:
        protected Object[] displaySchemaChildren (Object parent)
            DatabaseDefinition df = getDatabaseDefinition (parent);
                List collection = new ArrayList (7);
                collection.add(nodeFactory.makeTableNode(TABLE, TABLE, parent));
                collection.add(nodeFactory.makeViewNode(VIEW, VIEW, parent));
                collection.add(nodeFactory.makeStoredProcedureNode(STORED_PROCEDURE, STORED_PROCEDURE, parent));
                collection.add(nodeFactory.makeUDFNode(UDF, UDF, parent));

While at the same time, in XXXContainmentProvider, the getContainedElements method are never called by the framework. E.g. in SchemaContainmentProvider:
        public Collection getContainedElements(EObject obj) {
                Collection children = super.getContainedElements(obj);
                Schema schema = (Schema) obj;
                return children;

My thought is: since the logicalContainment extension point is already there, why can't we enhance it and move the containment code from ServerExplorerVNodeContentProviderNav to XXXContainmentProvider? So that enablement plugins will have more flexibility to control the logical relationships between the sql model objects in DSE. Of course, we also have to handle  contributions from multiple vendors properly. The following code snippet just show one of the possibilites:
               <databaseDefinition vendor="DB2" version="8.2"/>

Any thoughts? Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!

Best Regards!

Max ( Hui ) Cao
DTP SQL Dev Tools Committer
Sr S/W Eng - Dev
Sybase, Inc. Shanghai, China

Lawrence E Dunnell <ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: dtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/06/2006 02:03 AM

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DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [dtp-dev] bug#145157 - Derby Synonym issue

If all of the DTP projects are pulled into a workspace, then Eclipse can check for references to
AbstractContainmentProvider in DTP.  I did this and found that several of the classes (I did not check them all) extending AbstractContainmentProvider override all the methods, so AbstractContainmentProvider would never get called.

Larry Dunnell
Internet address: ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx

Anil T Samuel <anil.samuel@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: dtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/04/2006 05:58 PM

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DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[dtp-dev] bug#145157 - Derby Synonym issue


When I tried a Debug with breakpoints in all methods of
AbstractContainmentProvider and DerbySynonymContainmentProvider, the
execution didnot stop in any of these. I can understand in case
DerbySynonymContainmentProvider since the folder/group itself is not
appearing in DSE; but what about AbstractContainmentProvider ?

Lawrence E Dunnell wrote:
> By the way, my change for
> 145157 will not fix the problem.  However,
> I was able to repro this in the debugger and it will require a code
> change.
> Still investigating the solution.
> Larry Dunnell
> Internet address: ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx
> *jograham@xxxxxxxxxx*
> Sent by: dtp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 06/02/2006 05:14 PM
> Please respond to
> DTP PMC mailing list <dtp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To
>                  DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> cc
>                  dtp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject
>                  [dtp-pmc] Re: [dtp-dev] DTP 0.9 RC5 6/2 2nd build
> Larry,
> Thanks very much for the quick turn around on these issues!
> For 145156, I think the best solution for Callisto is to deliver this
> plug-in unjarred, and then work on the necessary changes later. If the PMC
> agrees, this will just be a simple change to the build process for this
> plug-in.
> Regards,
> John Graham
> Eclipse Data Tools Platform PMC Chair
> Staff Software Engineer, Sybase, Inc.
>             Lawrence E                                                    
>             Dunnell                                                      
>             <ledunnel@xxxxxx.                                          To
>             com>                      DTP development mailing list        
>             Sent by:                  <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>              
>             dtp-dev-bounces@e                                          cc
>                   dtp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx                
>                                                                   Subject
>                                       Re: [dtp-dev] DTP 0.9 RC5 6/2 2nd  
>             06/02/2006 07:49          build                              
>             PM                                                            
>             Please respond to                                            
>              DTP development                                              
>               mailing list                                                
>             <dtp-dev@eclipse.                                            
>                   org>                                                    
> The fix 145156 turns out to not be trivial and world require a change to
> the labeService extension point implementation and to all consumers of the
> extension point.  The PMC will have to decide whether or not to make
> such a
> change this late in the game.  The workaround is to not single-jar the
> plug-in.
> I am unable to repro 145156 in my workspace under the debugger.  I did
> notice some issues in the plugin.xml for the
> org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.derby plug-in and committed the
> changes.
> We'll have to test another build to see if that fixed the problem.
> Larry Dunnell
> Internet address: ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx
> Lawrence E                                                                
> Dunnell/Redmond/IBM@IBMUS                                                
> Sent by:                                                               To
> dtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx                    DTP development mailing    
>                                                list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>                                                                        cc
> 06/02/2006 03:48 PM                                                      
>                                                                   Subject
>                                                Re: [dtp-dev] DTP 0.9 RC5  
>          Please respond to                     6/2 2nd build              
>    DTP development mailing list                                          
>        <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                              
> I am testing a fix for these two problems.  Will deliver soon.  It
> looks to
> be a trivial change to plugin.xml.
> Larry Dunnell
> Internet address: ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx
> jograham@xxxxxxxxxx                                                      
> Sent by: dtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx                                      
>                                                                        To
> 06/02/2006 02:44 PM                                   dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
>                                                                        cc
>             Please respond to                                     Subject
>       DTP development mailing list                    [dtp-dev] DTP 0.9  
>           <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>                       RC5 6/2 2nd build  
> A second build of DTP 0.9 RC5 6/2 is now available on the DTP download
> site. This contains a fix for the problem of synonyms not appearing in the
> Data Source Explorer tree:
> Note that we have observed the following bugs in this area, neither of
> which functionally impact this new build:
> Regards,
> John Graham
> Eclipse Data Tools Platform PMC Chair
> Staff Software Engineer, Sybase, Inc.
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