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[Dltk-dev] breakpoints for remote debugging

hello all -

  i started looking into how to get this working again and have come up with a potential solution (and some blocking issues), just to recap the use case i'm trying to solve here...

  i need to be able to debug perl code that is embedded within another application. remote debugging already supports the ability to 'map' remote resources into their counterparts in the local workspace (this is done if the 'remote working directory' is set in the remote launch config - if the resource does not exist, it is looked up using the dbpg 'source' command). the problem setting breakpoints against the mapped resource is that the path to the file in the local workspace may not match what the 'fileuri' attribute that is returned when a connection has been established. in order to have the dbgp engine respect the breakpoint, the path returned from the 'fileuri' attribute needs to be sent when the breakpoint is acted up (created, removed).

  code that is looked up via the 'source' command uses overridden the 'getPath' method in the DBGPSourceModule class to return the path from the stack frame and that allows breakpoints to be successfully set, but they do not appear because there is no IResource object available to set the marker on. the workspace root should be able to work as a stand in for the resource. i'm fairly certain the mapping issue can also be solved using markers.

  when the source is looked up using the RemoteScriptSourceLookupDirector, right before the IFile object is returned, a marker can be created that can be used to store the path to the file on the remote host. then in BreakpointUtils.getBreakpointResourceLocation, if the IResource object isn't null, it can be checked for the remote path marker, and if it exists, return that path instead of the local object's resource.

  the current roadblock i'm hitting comes in the ScriptLineBreapoint class. both the getResourceName() and getResourceURI() methods return the resource represented by the breakpoint marker when it is not equal to the workspace root. mapped resoures will never match this case, so the local path will always be returned. commenting out that conditional allows the remote breakpoints to be properly set (local breakpoints still work too), but that probably isn't the best thing to do.

 do you guys think this is a workable approach? if yes, suggestions on how to deal with the ScroptLineBreakpoint roadblock are very welcomed. if no, i'm open to other suggestions. i am really in need of a workable solution because i've grown tired of the debugging hell i suffer from on a daily basis at the day job. :)

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