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[dataspace-wg] EDWG Steering Committee Approved Minutes November 16, 23, and 30th Meetings

Dear Community and Members:

The Steering Committee has been actively meeting since its launch in early November.  Several of the meetings have been more informal, providing the Steering Committee the opportunity to work on the creation of the Working Group's 2024 Program Plan as part of the Working Group's 30/60/90 Day overall Operational Plan.

With apologies for the lateness, the November Minutes are attached.

Best Regards,

Sharon Corbett
Program Director, Industry Collaborations Operations
Eclipse Foundation

Attachment: Eclipse Dataspace Steering Committee November 23 2023 Program Plan Planning Meeting .pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Eclipse Dataspace Steering Committee Minutes November 16, 2023.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Eclipse Dataspace Steering Committee November 30 2023 Program Plan Planning Meeting.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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