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Re: [dash-dev] Re: Athena and RCP

dash-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 06/01/2010 12:56:57 PM:
> From:

> Miles Parker <milesparker@xxxxxxxxx>

> I've had the same question / issue. What I've discovered is that PDE
> build is so (oddly) orthogonal to feature / plugin build that they
> almost feel disconnected. What actually needs to change I think is
> the PDE infrastructure so that it more closely aligns with the
> plugin / feature build approach.

I'm not quite sure what you are saying here, I suspect the first sentence was intended to say product build is orthogonal to feature/plugin build?

The productBuild.xml is just a convenient wrapper that generates a feature for you based on your .product file and has a allElements.xml provided for you.  It is just a simplification to make things easier.

Ultimately a product build _is_ a feature build that defines one additional property:

I have never tried, and I'm not sure what Athena is doing on top of PDE, but I would bet that Athena can build products just by adding the "product" property (assuming you've written an appropriate top level feature).

> For example, it's still not clear
> to me why instead of the .product and related stuff, products aren't
> simply setup as projects with product spcific meta-data in say a
> product.xml file.

Product specific meta-data is exactly what the .product file is.  You can put it in its own project and call it product.xml if you want.  But having a wizard to create a new "product project" instead of a new "product configuration" doesn't really change anything.


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