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Re: [dash-dev] Re: Athena: JUnit tests randomly failing to get launched

The testLocal does not work on Hudson, there has been a long standing issue open with the webmasters to change some configuration settings to allow it to work, no movement yet.


On 03/10/2010 05:42 PM, Nick Boldt wrote:
Could be a misconfiguration of the hudson server. Please report a bug:

On 03/10/2010 11:11 AM, Nicolas Bros wrote:
Hi again,

I tried to use "testLocal" instead of "test", with xvnc enabled in
Hudson, as explained
But I get the following blocking error:
Xlib: connection to ":20.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

Did I do something wrong?

I also checked the logs of other jobs running on Hudson, and there still
seems to be many display-related errors:

./cbi-tmf-xtext-0.7/builds/2010-03-10_08-27-59/log: � � [exec] Server is
already active for display 21
./cbi-tmf-xtext-0.7/builds/2010-03-09_14-14-51/log: � � [exec] Server is
already active for display 9
./cbi-emf-transaction-1.4/builds/2010-02-26_03-54-38/log: � � [exec]
Server is already active for display 9
./cbi-wtp-wst.xsl.psychopath/builds/2010-02-02_10-45-37/log: � �[build]
� � �[exec] Server is already active for display 28
./cbi-wtp-wst.xsl.psychopath/builds/2010-02-16_19-02-32/log: � �[build]
� � �[exec] Server is already active for display 22
./cbi-emft-mwe-0.7-integration/builds/2010-02-02_03-42-56/log: � �
[exec] Server is already active for display 9
./cbi-emft-mwe-0.7-integration/builds/2010-02-07_16-01-50/log: � �
[exec] Server is already active for display 9
./cbi-m2t-xpand-0.7-integration/builds/2010-03-04_14-15-30/log: �
�[build] � � �[exec] Server is already active for display 9
./cbi-wtp-wst.jsdt/builds/2010-03-05_16-06-44/log: � �[build] � �
�[exec] Server is already active for display 9
./cbi-emft-ecoretools-0.9/builds/2010-02-08_11-01-55/log: � � [exec]
Server is already active for display 9
./cbi-m2m-qvtoml-3.0-integration/builds/2010-02-02_12-46-24/log: � �
[exec] Server is already active for display 28
./cbi-linuxtools-Helios/builds/2010-03-08_18-01-26/log: � � [exec]
Server is already active for display 23
./cbi-emf-index-integration/builds/2010-03-09_05-38-20/log: � � [exec]
Server is already active for display 9
./cbi-modisco-integration/builds/2010-03-09_15-02-26/log: � � [exec]
Server is already active for display 21
./cbi-modisco-integration/builds/2010-03-09_11-07-56/log: � � [exec]
Server is already active for display 9
./cbi-tmf-xtext-0.7-integration/builds/2010-03-09_10-57-23/log: � �
[exec] Server is already active for display 9
./cbi-tmf-xtext-0.7-integration/builds/2010-02-07_18-01-51/log: � �
[exec] Server is already active for display 9
./cbi-tmf-xtext-0.7-integration/builds/2010-02-07_13-32-53/log: � �
[exec] Server is already active for display 9
./cbi-linuxtools-Galileo/builds/2010-03-05_18-01-08/log: � � [exec]
Server is already active for display 23
./cbi-linuxtools-Galileo/builds/2010-03-05_12-01-15/log: � � [exec]
Server is already active for display 23
./cbi-wtp-inc.vex/builds/2010-02-18_02-11-22/log: � �[build] � � �[exec]
Server is already active for display 21
./cbi-wtp-wst.xml/builds/2010-03-09_16-37-04/log: � �[build] � � �[exec]
Server is already active for display 9

and for the second error message:
./cbi-wtp-wst.xsl.psychopath/builds/2010-02-02_10-45-37/log: � �[build]
� � �[exec] � � �[java] The application 'Gecko' lost its connection to
the display localhost:28.0;
./cbi-modisco-integration/builds/2010-03-09_15-02-26/log: � � [exec] � �
�[java] The application 'Gecko' lost its connection to the display
./cbi-modisco-integration/builds/2010-03-10_08-09-42/log: � � [exec] � �
�[java] The application 'Gecko' lost its connection to the display
./cbi-linuxtools-Galileo/builds/2010-03-05_18-01-08/log: � � [exec] � �
�[java] The application 'Eclipse' lost its connection to the display
./cbi-linuxtools-Galileo/builds/2010-03-05_12-01-15/log: � � [exec] � �
�[java] The application 'Eclipse' lost its connection to the display
./cbi-wtp-wst.xml/builds/2010-03-09_16-37-04/log: � �[build] � � �[exec]
� � �[java] The application 'Gecko' lost its connection to the display
./cbi-modisco-nightly/builds/2010-03-09_14-11-00/log: � � [exec] � �
�[java] The application 'Gecko' lost its connection to the display

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Nicolas Bros <nbros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:nbros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    My build's JUnit tests randomly fail to get launched.
    I started the same build 4 times with the same configuration, and I
    got 3 different results!
    1: 3 test suites were launched
    2: 1 test suite was launched
    3: 12�test suites were launched�
    4:�1 test suite was launched

    In jobs 1,2 and 4, I got the following error messages:
    - The application 'Eclipse' lost its connection to the display
    - Server is already active for display 9
    - Server is already active for display 21

    This looks like this is caused by display contention issues on the
build server, but now there seems to be a new problem since a few days:
    I found the following errors in the build logs (that appear even in
the jobs that did pass all tests successfully!), in the testing part:
    Could not load ${}
    Could not load ${}

    This started happening without any changes to the build
    configuration, so I suspect something else changed on the server.
    I looked in the build log of several other jobs on Hudson, and they
    have the same error
    (cbi-wtp-wst,�cbi-pdt-2.2-helios,�cbi-mat-nightly, ...).

    So, the build takes one hour to complete, with only one job
    succeeding once in a while, and with random issues popping up with
    no apparent reason.
    As a result, I am starting many builds until I get one that works,
    overloading the build server�uselessly, and�making it more difficult
    for everyone to prepare the incoming Helios milestone.
    That's why I am asking for your help in solving these issues.
    Nicolas Bros
    tel: 06 75 09 19 88
    nbros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:nbros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    nbros.mia@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:nbros.mia@xxxxxxxxx>
    Mia-Software, 410 clos de la Courtine
    93160 Noisy-le-Grand
    .: model driven agility :.

Nicolas Bros
tel: 06 75 09 19 88
nbros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:nbros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
nbros.mia@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:nbros.mia@xxxxxxxxx>
Mia-Software, 410 clos de la Courtine
93160 Noisy-le-Grand
.: model driven agility :.

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