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[cu-dev] TCK test ContextServiceDefinitionServlet.testContextServiceDefinitionDefaults, ContextC


I'm looging at the test ContextServiceDefinitionServlet.testContextServiceDefinitionDefaults. It uses ContextC. The code looks like this:

@ContextServiceDefinition(name = "java:comp/concurrent/ContextC")


ContextService contextService = InitialContext.doLookup("java:comp/concurrent/ContextC");

Callable<String> callable = contextService.contextualCallable(() -> {


assertEquals(, "testContextServiceDefinitionDefaults-1",
        "Third-party context type StringContext must be propagated to contextual Callable.");

assertEquals(tx.getStatus(), Status.STATUS_ACTIVE,
        "Transaction must be restored on thread after contextual proxy completes.");

There must be something I miss, because StringContext is not propagated. The definition with default values looks like this:

@ContextServiceDefinition(name = "java:comp/concurrent/ContextC", cleared=TRANSACTION, propagated=ALL_REMAINING, unchanged={})

* Does ALL_REMAINING mean also all custom thread context providers?

* What should happen with the transaction, when used in cleared? The javadoc says: context to clear whenever a thread runs the contextual task or action. The thread's previous context is restored afterward.

** I tried to find this in the discussion in MicroProfile, but it didn't help. Does it mean, that the transaction should be suspended before executing the task in a different thread?

Updating the definition this way improves things:

@ContextServiceDefinition(name = "java:comp/concurrent/ContextC", propagated = {ALL_REMAINING, StringContext.NAME}, cleared = {})

Thank you,


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