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[cosmos-dev] BIRT references in org.eclipse.cosmos.releng.builder

I’m confused by the references to the BIRT runtime in the builder project (org.eclipse.cosmos.releng.builder).


The following references are made in runtime/

# BIRT runtime



While runtime/customTargets.xml contains the following references:

            <!--  <antcall target="fetch.unzip">

                  <param name="url" value="${birtURL}"/>

                  <param name="filename" value="${birtFilename}"/>

                  <param name="dstdir" value="${baseLocation}/.."/>

            </antcall> -->

            <unzip dest="${baseLocation}" overwrite="true" src="" />


The raises a few questions:

1)      Is the BIRT runtime still required for the COSMOS build?

2)      If BIRT is required, why has the “fetch.unzip” task for it been commented out?

3)      Why is the file “” being referenced in the “unzip” task instead of the file defined by “birtFilename” in


If this is a bug, let me know and I’ll open a bugzilla for it.




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