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RE: [cosmos-dev] Unable to Load the Data Managers

-----Original Message-----
From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Devine, John T
Sent: 28 March 2008 13:24
To: Cosmos Dev
Subject: RE: [cosmos-dev] Unable to Load the Data Managers

Martin, please open a bug for this.


-----Original Message-----
From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Simmonds, Martin
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 9:19 AM
To: Cosmos Dev
Subject: RE: [cosmos-dev] Unable to Load the Data Managers

I can confirm that using localhost on BOTH WINDOWS and LINUX causes this
problem.  So I agree, its a bug.

-----Original Message-----
From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Simmonds, Martin
Sent: 28 March 2008 12:57
To: Cosmos Dev
Subject: RE: [cosmos-dev] Unable to Load the Data Managers

I am going to install it on windows with localhost and confirm 

-----Original Message-----
From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Simmonds, Martin
Sent: 28 March 2008 12:56
To: Cosmos Dev
Subject: RE: [cosmos-dev] Unable to Load the Data Managers

But was that just a Linux problem I wonder ?

-----Original Message-----
From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David Whiteman
Sent: 28 March 2008 12:54
To: Cosmos Dev
Subject: Re: [cosmos-dev] Unable to Load the Data Managers

Simmonds, Martin wrote:
> Hi,
> Now I realize why it did not work :-) I am able to replicate the
> problem, and also to get it to work first go.
> If you reply to the prompt that asks for the "Hostname of the Tomcat
> Server" with localhost, its not going to work. If you reply with the
> it does work (not, but the ip of the machine).
> I think there are a few things that are wrong here.  Firstly we should
> remove the "(e.g." comment, as it is confusing.  I
> would replace it with "pressing enter will default to ..." and add the
> machines ip or hostname.  Somehow "localhost" causes the failure, and
> its in getAllServices method of BrokerClient, where it calls "invoke".
> It appears that the ReflectionProxyHandler issues a SoapFault.  I
> for info on this, and it appears that muse fails to create the XML. I
> would favour enetering the ip myself as if something funky is going
> on the client side, where it cant resolve the host name, you will have
> problems.
> Martin...
This definitely sounds like a bug, because "localhost" worked with 
previous builds.

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