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Re: [cosmos-dev] Unable to Load the Data Managers

Simmonds, Martin wrote:

Now I realize why it did not work :-) I am able to replicate the
problem, and also to get it to work first go.

If you reply to the prompt that asks for the "Hostname of the Tomcat
Server" with localhost, its not going to work. If you reply with the ip
it does work (not, but the ip of the machine).

I think there are a few things that are wrong here.  Firstly we should
remove the "(e.g." comment, as it is confusing.  I
would replace it with "pressing enter will default to ..." and add the
machines ip or hostname.  Somehow "localhost" causes the failure, and
its in getAllServices method of BrokerClient, where it calls "invoke".
It appears that the ReflectionProxyHandler issues a SoapFault.  I looked
for info on this, and it appears that muse fails to create the XML. I
would favour enetering the ip myself as if something funky is going on,
on the client side, where it cant resolve the host name, you will have

This definitely sounds like a bug, because "localhost" worked with previous builds.


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