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Re: [cosmos-dev] Re: Dojo toolkit legal issues are gone

Interestingly I mentioned the alternate approach to Sheldon because at the time each release level of the dojo toolkit was being IP checked and they change quickly, while in the meantime the question of including it in the packaging was being discussed. I recall Sheldon took the approach of making this configurable so you could work with what ever compatible dojo variant and location you wanted.

Bjorn clearly has the say on this as your PMC lead and as one of the few people that know the rules due to extreme exposure ;-),
Requiring an operating system I gather is simply considered reasonable, as is the Java runtime, I believe you will find sprinkled through the website URLs to company websites, that may or may not contain _javascript_, that are clearly not EPL. This part of COSMOS has to be hosted on some web server before it will "function" but I don't think COSMOS is expected to get IP approval for a server or specify a specific dependancy on Tomcat. Even if DOJO is cleared it relies on the browser to work and I don't think we are getting firefox and IE cleared ;-). I think you can find some _javascript_ on the as well.

So there is some boundary that I could not find stated somewhere.  

So my question would be about the criteria that says a URL on the website can point to non EPL, yet a url in some _javascript_ web from a project requires IP approval. I can imagine a fuzzy discussion about the functioning of a website versus the functioning of a website that is the project product, but this may be something to get cleared up at the foundation level since web interfaces are becoming of greater interest to the Eclipse community at large. It seems the website is the product of a project as well ;-)
COSMOS may be on the bleeding edge here.

Either way picking a specific level of DOJO for the 1.0 COSMOS will at least reduce the variants that need to be checked.

Thanks for your time.
Harm Sluiman,
IBM Distinguished Engineer
phone:905-413-4032   fax: 4920  cell: 1-647-300-4758
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David Whiteman <David_Whiteman@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

01/10/2008 10:38 AM

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Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[cosmos-dev] Re: Dojo toolkit legal issues are gone

Bjorn wrote on 01/09/2008 02:41:12 PM:

> Sheldon, David, and the rest of the COSMOS team,
> Unfortunately, referencing a required library (dojo) via a CDN rather than a
> download does not solve the legal issue. According to the Eclipse Board
> of Directors, required dependencies of an Eclipse project must also go through the
> legal review process (see http://www.eclipse.
> org/org/documents/Eclipse_Policy_and_Procedure_for_3rd_Party_Dependencies_Final.pdf
> ). The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Eclipse frameworks are usable by
> the eco-system without constraints -- if an Eclipse project (under EPL) *requires*
> another framework (for example GPL) before the project will function, then
> effectively the framework can only be reused under GPL, n'est pas?
> Thus the COSMOS project must use the CQ process to gain approval to reference dojo
> as an external dependency.
> - Bjorn

> Harm brought to my attention that AOL has made dojo toolkit builds available on the
> content delivery network (
> I've modified the data visualization code so that the UI references the 1.0.0 build
> on CDN instead of a local copy of the dojo toolkit.  I opened bug 211240 to track
> this solution (
> The following are benefits to doing this:
> - no more legal hassle since we are no longer packaging dojo with our drivers.  
> Instead we are referencing the builds on CDN

An unfortunate reminder that "no more legal hassle" rarely comes to fruition. :-)

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