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Fw: [cosmos-dev] year end housekeeping on bugzilla

Per our discussion during today's Community Call, the originators of all bugzilla entries from i6 and prior that are currently in RESOLVED state should verify and close the entries by Friday, January 4.  

Here is a link to a query of these entries:

    Tania N. Makins, PMPĀ®
    Project Manager, AC Open Source Components
    IBM Software Group - RTP, NC
    Office: (919) 254-8430  T/L: 444-8430

----- Forwarded by Tania N Makins/Durham/IBM on 01/02/2008 12:22 PM -----
Mark D Weitzel/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

12/19/2007 08:33 AM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[cosmos-dev] year end housekeeping on bugzilla

Greetings Cosmonauts....

We had talked about cleaning up our bugzilla as part of our year end clean up.  Since we've recently refined our development process ( it seemed natural to review our bugzilla entries to see where we were.  I know we've talked about this before, but I wanted to bring the bugzilla lifecycle page back to everyone's attention.  Here's the link:

OK... Given this, I went and did a query on all the entries we have that are "Resolved" and "Fixed" state.

Resolved & Fixed bugzillas waiting to be Closed

Hmm.... Since we have a good chunk that are in this state, we clearly need to look at how to get these into the "closed" state.

I'm proposing that we do a couple of things...
First, since we are moving well towards the completion of i8, I suggest a one time amnesty for all i6 and earlier entries.  These should be moved into the verified state and then closed state by the bugzilla reporter.  Here's the query I ran.

Resolved & Fixed bugzillas for i6 waiting to be Closed

Second, we grant a one time amnesty for all i7 P2 bugzillas as well.

Resolved & Fixed bugzillas for i7 (sev 2 and below) waiting to be Closed

Third, we verify & close the i7 P1 bugzillas.  This will be done as part of the architecture call on Thursday, Dec 20, 2007.

Resolved & Fixed bugzillas for i7 (sev 1) waiting to be Closed

Fourth, we Verify the bugzillas that are resolved and fixed for i8 on the architecture call on Wednesday, Jan 2, 2008.

Resolved & Fixed bugzillas for i8

Please reply +1 on each of these proposals if you agree -1 if you don't.  No reply at all defaults to +1 across the board.


Mark Weitzel | STSM | IBM Software Group | Tivoli | Autonomic Computing | (919) 543 0625 | weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx
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