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Re: [cosmos-dev] Dojo toolkit legal issues are gone

The user can work offline if they download a copy of dojo and modified the web.xml file as follows:


They can change the above path to their local copy.  

From my impression it seems that the eclipse legal team are back logged with ip requests from projects within eclipse.  Our current ip request has been rejected with the following statement:

We have completed our review and while there have been significant improvements
to clarify the pedigree of the package since version 0.4.2, the pedigree is not
sufficiently clear to approve for use in Eclipse.  Unfortunately, the level of
investment required to clarify the package for possible re-distribution is
beyond our resource capabilities at this time.

Note that this was a request for dojo 0.4.2.    Since then the dojo toolkit has gone through many releases up to 1.0.1.  My second fear is that by the time we get approval for one release of dojo we may need approval for the next release of dojo.  This hampers the developement cycle significantly since dojo is an emerging technology.  

As a result, I believe we should reference the dojo toolkit builds on the content delivery network and give the option for deployers to get their own local copy and configure the user interface.


Sheldon Lee-Loy

David Whiteman <David_Whiteman@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

28/11/2007 11:24 AM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [cosmos-dev] Dojo toolkit legal issues are gone

I am guessing this makes it so you cannot run the data visualization code if you are offline/disconnected, unless you have a local Dojo implementation.  

On the resource modeling team, we felt requiring the user to be online was a restrictive limitation to have on the SML validator, so we have been bundling the schema files, even though it has caused us some legal hassles.  E.g. I sometimes do some COSMOS development in an offline scenario, waiting on my son at his taekwondo practice where they do not have Wi-Fi.


Sheldon Lee-Loy <sleeloy@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

11/28/2007 11:08 AM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[cosmos-dev] Dojo toolkit legal issues are gone

Harm brought to my attention that AOL has made dojo toolkit builds available on the content delivery network (

I've modified the data visualization code so that the UI references the 1.0.0 build on CDN instead of a local copy of the dojo toolkit.  I opened bug 211240 to track this solution (

The following are benefits to doing this:

- no more legal hassle since we are no longer packaging dojo with our drivers.  Instead we are referencing the builds on CDN

- since these builds are on a public network clients may already have cached these scripts in their browser

- COSMOS foot print is reduced

However there are drawbacks;

- since we are referencing the toolkit on a public network there may be performance issues

- the builds on CDN may include components that COSMOS do not need (i.e. the builds are not optimized for COSMOS scenarios)

I've added an extension point to allow deployers the option of specifying a public or local dojo toolkit build.


Sheldon Lee-Loy
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