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Re: [cosmos-dev] Muse Situation & Error framework...

Given David's note below, I think the issue is with Xalan only. Xalan is not needed for the WEF library and only XPathUtils from the muse-util-xml package uses it. My suggestion is to grab these JAR files and remove the XPathUtils class from them. Even if you leave them there (for possible legal reasons), As long as you don't try to use that particular class, it should be fine (I verified this with a sample program that creates situation and management event objects and I didn't have Xalan in my classpath though I did have Xerces).

David, can you please confirm that Xerces is indeed part of JDK 1.5. Because when I tried to run with Xerces on JDK 1.5 it failed without finding org/apache/xml/serialize/XMLSerializer

A JAR of just these packages would either create redundancy of packages in different jars in Muse or cause us to change a lot of other dependencies (in Muse) because the utility packages/jars are used in a lot of other places.

The only reason muse uses Xalan is to support WSRF endpoints that implement QueryResourceProperties that too only if you want to use the default muse implementation for wsrf. Without Xalan, you will have to write your own WSRF implementation for endpoints.

Balan Subramanian
Autonomic Computing, IBM, RTP, NC
919.543.0197 | bsubram@xxxxxxxxxx

Inactive hide details for David Whiteman---11/27/2007 01:28:14 PM---Xerces is part of JDK 1.5. We prereq'd 1.5 in COSMOS, and tDavid Whiteman---11/27/2007 01:28:14 PM---Xerces is part of JDK 1.5. We prereq'd 1.5 in COSMOS, and therefore no longer needed to bundle the Xerces jar.

          David Whiteman/Raleigh/IBM

          11/27/2007 01:28 PM


Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Balan Subramanian/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS


Re: [cosmos-dev] Muse Situation & Error framework...Balan Subramanian
Xerces is part of JDK 1.5. We prereq'd 1.5 in COSMOS, and therefore no longer needed to bundle the Xerces jar.

We did however need to bundle Xalan, which prompted Mark's question below.


Inactive hide details for Mark D Weitzel/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUSMark D Weitzel/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS

          Mark D Weitzel/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
          Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

          11/27/2007 12:58 PM

          Please respond to
          Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Balan Subramanian/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS




[cosmos-dev] Muse Situation & Error framework...


Per our conversation yesterday on the exception framework in COSMOS, we talked about leveraging the situation interface and object from Muse. These are relatively simple constructs, and there were two primary advantage to re-using them:
First, we would avoid recreating a similar set of constructs in COSMOS.
Second, we would avoid "interface clashes". That is, there are scenarios where the situation will be written to a log file or used as part of an exception. Reusing the Muse code would allow us to reuse the serialization logic as well and we would not have to re-implement this code.

There are four packages that we need:

Trolling through the situation object ( the toXML(...) methods depend on XmlUtils (org.apache.muse.util). This introduces a dependency on the jar for xerxes. In COSMOS, we decided that we would not use this particular jar. I'd like to know if there is where we do not need to include this xalan.jar as part of Muse. This would make consumption of these four packages easier. Also, does it make sense for Muse to produce a Jar of just these four packages?


Mark Weitzel | STSM | IBM Software Group | Tivoli | Autonomic Computing | (919) 543 0625 | weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx_______________________________________________
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