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RE: [cosmos-dev] Re: Defining end-to-end test for i7

Hi Martin,

I think your installations and configurations are correct.  You are missing some information on how to run the program.  I went through the steps on how to populate the registries and invoke the query operations in the 2hr meeting last Thursday.  I will expand the i7 build wiki with this information today.  

After you have started all the components (domain, broker, MDRs), they are all endpoints that expose many operations.  You need a client application to execute these operations.  The web application does not provide all the functions for running the end-to-end scenario.  You can use MAX or the client application I provided in the example directory in CVS.  

Just like in previous iterations, you need to register the MDRs with the broker.  The registry XML file and the entry in it will be created during registration.  The XML files are like the derby database in i6.  Do not populate the registry XML with data manually because that's easy to make mistakes.  

For your comment about xerces jar (comment #3 below), I'm not sure why you need to do this.  Xerces jar is packaged in the war files.  I don't need to add xerces jar in the common lib directory to run the domain and broker.  

I will send out another email to the dev list after I have added more information to the wiki.

Hubert Leung
IBM Toronto Lab

"Simmonds, Martin" <Martin.Simmonds@xxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

11/21/2007 07:53 AM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Cosmos Dev" <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Mohsin, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Mohsin@xxxxxx>
"N, Shivashankari" <Shivashankari.N@xxxxxx>
RE: [cosmos-dev] Re: Defining end-to-end test for i7

I would like to be on that call too please.
I have been through  the install 3 times.  I do not get it to work.  Here is what is happening (I have been working with Shivvy on this)
1.        Having installed everything, and started tomcat and the 2 mdrs
a.       ManagementDomainRegistry gets created, but BrokerRegistry does not get created
b.      ManagementDomainRegistry although created, does not specify the broker tag
c.       Tomcat shows an EPR not found on the broker
2.       I took Hughberts’ two xml files that he emailed me
a.       I copied them to my c:\
b.      I modified the values to point to my machine
c.       I added an 8082 port to the osgi config for the example MDR (Its not clear from the instructions what you should do, if you do nothing, it defaults to port 80)
d.      Now the EPR Broker message disappears
e.      The GUI shows the Data Managers in the dojo widget
                                                               i.      Statistical Data
                                                             ii.      Monitoring Data
                                                            iii.      SML_REPO_ID  (no elements within this)
                                                           iv.      Example (no elements within this)
f.        I am expecting the details pane to be populated, nothing ever appears there
g.       Properties do get shown in the property pane
h.      In the tomcat console I see [wsa:EndPointReference: null] twice, one for the SML and Example mdrs
i.         I don’t see anything strange in the mdr consoles
3.       The whole thing will not work if you do not have xerces jar in tomcat.  I just copied the xerces jar to the common/lib.  This needs to be pointed out in the I7 Build doc.
4.       Recommended Modifications to the I7 Build doc:
a.       Download and Unzip section
                                                               i.      Specify 4 download points, don’t combine the mdrs into one point
                                                             ii.      For each of the 4 download points, specify a tag such as <tomcat_install_dir>, <SML_MDR_Install_dir>
                                                            iii.      Suggest installing all of things in and example c:\Cosmos\i7\<tomcat_install_dir>, just so its all in one place, and easier to maintain.  Of course they have the choice to have these things where required J
b.      Management Domain
                                                               i.      Paste in an example ManagementDomainRegistry.xml file
c.       Broker
                                                               i.      Paste in an example BrokerRegistry.xml file that shows the DataManagers for the two mdrs that are used in this build
d.      SML MDR
                                                               i.      Paste in an example
                                                             ii.      Paste in an example
e.      Example MDR
                                                               i.      Please specify the steps to be taken and not refer to the previous MDR minus things you do not do
                                                             ii.      Add the entry for the 8082 port for the osgi.  The xample downloaded doesn’t have the line in it, so it needs to be added.
f.        DOJO
                                                               i.      Give DOJO a tag <dojo_temp_dir)
                                                             ii.      Specify the copy command exactly, as it is not obvious.  Specify that it will overwrite what is currently there
g.       Starting the components
                                                               i.      Specify either the startup.bat or catalina.bat run and the  paths to those files
                                                             ii.      Spoecify the the paths to the mdr startup files
h.      Although the urls are specified in another document to how you show the UI in a browser, when I print the i7 doc off, it would be nice for these uris to be shown also, rather than having to go to another wiki page to find the uri (COSMOSUI and BIRT Reporter uris)
From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Sheldon Lee-Loy
20 November 2007 15:42
Mohsin, Jimmy
N, Shivashankari; Cosmos Dev
[cosmos-dev] Re: Defining end-to-end test for i7


Hi Shivvy,

Maybe we can have a call today.  I can call later in the night to walk you through the end-to-end scenario.  I can also walk you through our existing manual tests.

What time are you free today?


Sheldon Lee-Loy
Tivoli Autonomic Computing, IBM Toronto Lab
email: sleeloy@xxxxxxxxxx
phone: 905.413.2610

"Mohsin, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Mohsin@xxxxxx>

20/11/2007 12:39 AM

"Cosmos Dev" <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Sheldon Lee-Loy/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Hubert H Leung/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
"N, Shivashankari" <Shivashankari.N@xxxxxx>
Defining end-to-end test for i7


Sheldon / Hubert,

Can you (or someone on your team) please assist Shivvy in finalizing an
end to end test scenario to enable her cover all the i7 ERs?  As we
speak, Shivvy has pulled all the i7 ERs, and she is also getting ready
to have an i7 build going at her end.  She is attempting to close on the
end to end test by Friday.

Also, Shivvy will be working through the week; I assume will also
be working through Friday...  Yours truly will be on a remote beach
chomping down Turkeys J, but still reachable...


Jimmy Mohsin

Cell   +1-609-635-1703

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