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[cosmos-dev] COSMOS iteration definition / scoping questions



  1. You had asked about scoping of a COSMOS iteration (given that the iteration schedule has been defined upfront).
  2. Please review the two emails in this regard; if you have any further questions in this regard, please reply to COSMOS public email list cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
  3. My queries are in italics; and the responses from Mark / Don are in non-italicized font.



Jimmy Mohsin


From: Mark D Weitzel [mailto:weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 10:30 AM
To: Ebright, Don
Cc: Craddock, Chris; Mohsin, Jimmy; Hawkins, Joel; Toni Drapkin
Subject: RE: COSMOS iteration definition questions


Jimmy/Don, et al

I generally agree with Don's comments.  The one place where I vary slightly is that as a project, we should be working towards a common end.  So while the committers may be working on a piece of code for function they need, e.g. data collection, i'd like to make sure we have a balance of concerns across each area of the project.  Illustrating the point, this is why I'm trying to get the build stuff started b/t the companies.

I also agree that as we mature as a project, we need to define our requirements process a bit better.  Toni and I have been brainstorming a bit on this and Tania has been helping us.  It would be great if we could start having some open discussions on the mailing list about this topic.

Some other thoughts:

1.        What is the procedure for defining / suggesting ERs once a new iteration begins?  Do I just go in and create them, or do we need to discuss them in the DC meeting BEFOREHAND?
<mdw>As Don said, open the enhancement request and get a discussion tee'd up.  One thing I'd like to keep focus on is the overall use cases that we are supporting.  How will the new enhancements help our end-to-end exemplar app?<\mdw>
2.        Is there some sort of a review at the end of an iteration to ensure that the ERs in that iteration were REALLY completed BOTH from an implementation and testing perspective?
<mdw>This is a good idea.  I will ask Tania to get this set up well in advance.  We should also define our success criteria.<\mdw>
3.        Who ensures that the scope / size of a given iteration (in terms of ERs opened) is manageable for a given participant (i.e. corporation), once all the ERs have been opened?
<mdw>This is the job of the PMC and the project leads.  In this regard, it's similar to any other project.  Prior to the beginning of an iteration, we should know what we are doing and commit to a schedule.  From the COSMOS perspective, we should be able to track back from the committed enhancements and bugs to a set of features, to a set of use cases.  <\mdw>

Your i6 goals seem reasonable.

p.s. i think we could also have this discussion on the dev mailing list.

Mark Weitzel | STSM | IBM Software Group | Tivoli | Autonomic Computing | (919) 543 0625 | weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx

"Ebright, Don" <Don.Ebright@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

09/04/07 10:00 AM


"Mohsin, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Mohsin@xxxxxx>, Mark D Weitzel/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS


"Hawkins, Joel" <Joel.Hawkins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Craddock, Chris" <Chris.Craddock@xxxxxx>


RE: COSMOS iteration definition questions




Anyone can submit a bug or enhancement request at any time.  The process of determining who does what is a bit more complicated, but the reality is that everyone volunteers to do the parts that interest them.  There is a certain amount of work that is done for the common good.
Most mature projects have a periodic requirements process to review and prioritize the backlog of bugs and enhancement requests and extablish goals for future releases.  This is followed by a planning process to match the available resources with these requirements and develop a plan.  Because COSMOS is still a fairly young project that is subject to a lot of change, our timelines are necessarily a bit shorter so we haven't been very formal about these processes yet.

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From: Mohsin, Jimmy [mailto:Jimmy.Mohsin@xxxxxx]
Monday, September 03, 2007 4:55 AM
Mark D Weitzel; Ebright, Don
Hawkins, Joel; Craddock, Chris
COSMOS iteration definition questions

Mark / Don,
Happy Labor Day…
Now that i5 is coming to a close, I had some process question for i6, specifically in regards to enhancement requests (hereinafter ERs)…
1.        What is the procedure for defining / suggesting ERs once a new iteration begins?  Do I just go in and create them, or do we need to discuss them in the DC meeting BEFOREHAND?
2.        Is there some sort of a review at the end of an iteration to ensure that the ERs in that iteration were REALLY completed BOTH from an implementation and testing perspective?
3.        Who ensures that the scope / size of a given iteration (in terms of ERs opened) is manageable for a given participant (i.e. corporation), once all the ERs have been opened?
I ask these questions since we have a FIXED iteration plan, which means there needs to be SOME flexibility in terms of defining the size of each iteration (given that resources are generally fixed).
Jimmy Mohsin

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