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[cosmos-dev] WSDL Console Extension using MEX



Here’s a partial patch for implementing the wsdl console extension using MEX, like we talked about on the last DC call. I think this’ll get you pretty close – you should just need to print the wsdl that’s returned (it’s a W3C element).





P.S. I’ve made a few changes to the WSDM binding to make deal with WsResources rather than WSDMBindings – I’ll be checking those in against the WSDL bug, in preparation for handling muse-generated resources. You won’t need them to move this forward, so no need to wait on me.





### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0

#P org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.common

Index: src/org/eclipse/cosmos/dc/common/


RCS file: /cvsroot/technology/org.eclipse.cosmos/data-collection/org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.common/src/org/eclipse/cosmos/dc/common/,v

retrieving revision 1.9

diff -u -r1.9

--- src/org/eclipse/cosmos/dc/common/      30 Aug 2007 01:11:02 -0000      1.9

+++ src/org/eclipse/cosmos/dc/common/    31 Aug 2007 13:52:59 -0000

@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@


 import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;

 import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;

+import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;

 import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;

+import org.w3c.dom.Element;

 import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.CommandInterpreter;

 import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.CommandProvider;

 import org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.common.api.IDataCollectionContext;

@@ -39,13 +41,23 @@

 import org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.common.spi.OutboundContext;

 import org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.common.spi.RuntimeHost;

 import org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.common.spi.ServiceRegistry;

+import org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.mgmt.binding.Binding;

 import org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.mgmt.common.ContributionManager;

 import org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.runtime.Runtime;









 public class ConsoleExtension implements CommandProvider {


-           BundleContext context;

+          private BundleContext context;

+          private Binding wsdmBinding = null;


+          private static final String BINDING_FILTER = "(&(objectclass=org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.mgmt.binding.Binding)(Provider=WSDM))";


            private static RuntimeHost runtime;


@@ -207,6 +219,22 @@

                                                                        System.out.println( "   " + element );



+                                  }else if("wsdl".equals(name)){

+                                              EndpointReference epr = null;

+                                              IDataCollectionContext ctx = runtime.getContextForName(name);

+                                              if(wsdmBinding == null) wsdmBinding = getWSDMBinding();

+                                              if(wsdmBinding == null){

+                                                          System.out.println("Unable to resolve metadata");

+                                                          return;

+                                              }

+                                              WsResource resource = (WsResource)wsdmBinding.getBindingForObject(ctx);

+                                              if(resource != null){

+                                                          epr = resource.getEndpointReference();

+                                                          MetadataExchangeClient mex = new MetadataExchangeClient(epr);

+                                                          Element elem = mex.getWSDL();

+                                              } else {

+                                                          System.out.print("resource not found");

+                                              }




@@ -249,5 +277,15 @@

                        return null;



+          private Binding getWSDMBinding(){

+                      try {

+                                  ServiceReference[] refs = context.getServiceReferences("org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.mgmt.binding.Binding", BINDING_FILTER);

+                                  if(refs != null && refs.length > 0){

+                                              return (Binding)context.getService(refs[0]);

+                                  }

+                      } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {

+                      }

+                      return null;

+          }





RCS file: /cvsroot/technology/org.eclipse.cosmos/data-collection/org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.common/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF,v

retrieving revision 1.17

diff -u -r1.17 MANIFEST.MF

--- META-INF/MANIFEST.MF     3 Aug 2007 16:56:55 -0000        1.17

+++ META-INF/MANIFEST.MF   31 Aug 2007 13:52:59 -0000

@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@




-Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.mgmt.common;visibility:=reexport

+Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.mgmt.common;visibility:=reexport,

+ org.apache.muse.complete

 Eclipse-LazyStart: true

 Service-Component: META-INF/DCRuntime.xml

 Bundle-ClassPath: .

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