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RE: [cosmos-dev] Feedback / questions on item 1 Environment Setup Wiki



>The first instruction says, “Go get Eclipse 3.3 (I'm using M7) from”.  I did see the Latest Release >3.3 which was saved “Mon, 25 Jun 2007 -- 15:00 (-0400)”. 


This should probably read “Go get the Europa Release”. M7 was a Europa milestone release. I’m pretty sure we can give a direct link to this. When the instructions were initially written, the milestone builds kept rolling off, so the best you could really say was “go get the latest”.


>When I ran Help.Software Patches from the Eclipse menu system, I was notified that a patch exists for 3.3.  Should I install this >patch?  Should the Wiki say anything about patches?


We don’t require any patches, and I’m not aware of any incompatibilities that the available patches would cause, so I’d say patch at will.






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