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RE: [cosmos-dev] Feedback / questions on item 1 Environment Setup Wiki

Don / Joel.


When I ran Help.Software Patches from the Eclipse menu system, I was notified that a patch exists for 3.3.  Should I install this patch?  Should the Wiki say anything about patches?



Jimmy Mohsin


From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mohsin, Jimmy
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 1:16 AM
To: Cosmos Dev
Subject: [cosmos-dev] Feedback / questions on item 1 Environment Setup Wiki


Joel / Don,


You had asked for feedback…  Here is some…


The first instruction says, “Go get Eclipse 3.3 (I'm using M7) from”.  I did see the Latest Release 3.3 which was saved “Mon, 25 Jun 2007 -- 15:00 (-0400)”. 

    1. Should this instruction say Get Eclipse Latest Release instead of a version number?
    2. When I clicked the Latest Release link; I saw the “Download Now: Eclipse SDK, Windows” link.  I clicked this latter link and saw TWO files under the entry for “Eclipse SDK”
    3. These files are “” and “”.  The instructions must state explicitly which file to download.  I downloaded the FORMER ( Is this the right file?
    4. The first instruction says “M7”; not clear what this refers to.


More feedback to follow as I go through EACH step…




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