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[cosmos-dev] COSMOS DC / MR 2 architecture - Management Domain versus Data / Service Brokers



When you refer to the “multiple data brokers”, are you referring to multiple data brokers for the SAME data entity (if so, why would we do that and how would we manage this situation) ?


Or are you referring to multiple data brokers for DIFFERENT data entities?  In this case, the answer is simple: each Data Broker “knows” what Data Managers it can talk to, and there is no issues of a conflict.





From: Todd, John A
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 4:11 PM
To: Mohsin, Jimmy
Subject: RE: UPDATE: Changes to the COSMOS / MR 2 architecture


And I think in the case of multiple data brokers, which data broker clients will be steered towards is still an open topic of discussion.


- John



From: Mohsin, Jimmy
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 4:10 PM
To: Todd, John A; Muldoon, William H
Cc: Simmonds, Martin; Stratton, Paul; Devine, John T; Craddock, Chris
Subject: RE: UPDATE: Changes to the COSMOS / MR 2 architecture


Yes, true…  There will be AT LEAST one Management Domain and MULTIPLE Data Brokers AND Service Brokers.


Of course, if failover considerations are factored in, we may end up having multiples of EVERYTHING; this is a topic of one of the future COSMOS meetings…


From: Todd, John A
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 4:03 PM
To: Mohsin, Jimmy; Muldoon, William H
Cc: Simmonds, Martin; Stratton, Paul; Devine, John T; Craddock, Chris
Subject: RE: UPDATE: Changes to the COSMOS / MR 2 architecture


I think there is ONE Management Domain but the possibility of multiple Data/Service Brokers.


(though maybe that might have been a question that came up instead of a statement)


- John


From: Mohsin, Jimmy
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 4:02 PM
To: Muldoon, William H
Cc: Simmonds, Martin; Stratton, Paul; Devine, John T; Todd, John A; Craddock, Chris
Subject: UPDATE: Changes to the COSMOS / MR 2 architecture




These topics have been discussed in the past several COSMOS meetings… Here is my summary on what has transpired thus far during our discussions with the COSMOS folks.

  1. The Data Broker and Management Domain are CONCEPTUALLY distinct architectural components
  2. There is no issue if the implementation does not differentiate these, at least in the initial stages.
  3. That said, once we get to requiring Service Brokers to support our use cases, the need to keep the Management Domain and Data Brokers distinct will become very real.
  4. Please note that many of the MR 2 key uses will require a Service Broker.


Jack / John / Marty, please comment if I missed anything…





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