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[cosmos-dev] Data source ID and key sets

As requested by Mark I'm sending this note to COSMOS-dev:

Joel & Hubert,

Each data source in the SML repository corresponds to an SML unit (i.e. a file that represents the resource).  I originally said that we can use the relative path of the file to some context directory as the ID but it's more elegant to use the name attribute of the resource.  The name attribute is defined as an SML key, which is guaranteed to be unique amongst the SML documents stored in the repository.  If you look under the data center project (stored under resource-modeling/org.eclipse.cosmos.rm.example.datacenter), you'll notice two data sources:

1) software/webserver/tomcat.xml
with the name= "server 33 tomcat" and

2) os/windows/WindowsServer1.xml
with the name="server 1"

You can use these names as the data source ID.  If you look under the tomcat and the windows instance you'll also notice that they have a managed component with the key set:
http://www.cosmos.rm/keysets/statistical and http://www.cosmos.rm/keysets/cbe, which are intended to be used for statistical and CBE events respectively.

Please make sure the same IDs are used in the assemblies.  Let me know if there is anything else needed from my side.

Ali Mehregani

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