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[chemclipse-dev] Help: display chromatogram during acquisition

Hi all,

I'm developing a plugin in OpenChrom to control our home-made in situ TOF mass spectrometer.
In the device control view, I wrote the following code for the "Acquire data" button:

new Job("Acquisition") {

protected IStatus run(final IProgressMonitor monitor) {
               final File saveFile = new File("20160830112233.tms");

               // new a empty AbstractChromatogramMSD to hold the acquiring data
               final XmTideTofChromatogram tideMSChromatogram = new XmTideTofChromatogram();


final ZipBufferWriter writer = new ZipBufferWriter(saveFile);  // a zip writer to save data to disk
               // create ChromatogramEditorMSD part and setObject(tideMSChromatogram)  in UIJob

               //acquires scans and adds to tideMSChromatogram
for(int i = 0; i < usbDevice.getSpectraNumber(); i++) {
                        //acquires one scan and adds it to tideMSChromatogram: tideMSChromatogram.addScan(scan), also writes scan data to disk
                       // How to fire update of the ChromatogramEditorMSD ??? 
usbDevice.acquireMassSpectrum(tideMSChromatogram, writer, i);
               // writes tic and close file in end

When the button clicked, a ChromatogramEditorMSD  part created, but nothing display, just empty figure.

What's wrong with my codes?

Best regards,


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