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Re: [che-dev] Making the registry field mandatory

With devfile 2.0, my understanding is that we'll be moving the Getting
Started devfiles into the sample project repositories. If that's the
case, how will we be able to patch these devfiles?

The devfiles are in the git repos but I am assuming that we will continue to export those repos and package them as zip files.

Although the devfiles in the git repos will reference a registry ( for example), that reference can be overridden/removed when building the zip files.

> We currently do not use parents in our sample but we plan to in the next
> months and the same applies when we reference che-theia plugins registry
> in che-theia-plugins.yaml files.

Can you expand upon this a bit? I'm not sure I understand how it will
work with plugins.

In a ".che/che-theia-plugins.yaml" file in a git repo we can reference plugins using an id and a che-theia plugin registry. That can be done inline in a devfile too. See the examples in this issue's description [1].

The che-theia plugin registry is currently optional. But, for the same reason mentioned above for the reference to a parent devfile, we may make that mandatory.

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