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[che-dev] Status of Happy path PR check of Eclipse Che repos

Hello everyone,

FYI: E2E Happy path tests PR check of Eclipse Che / Che-Theia repo is sometimes failing on start Eclipse Che or start test workspace steps because of recently added DockerHub pull rate limit: issues,
   * Che QE team is investigating the problem
   * Problem recognized by the following error messages in Jenkins job console log:
------ issue ----------------------------------------
08:25:16 [03:25:14] → Failed to download image, reason: ImagePullBackOff, message: Back-off pulling image "centos/postgresql-96-centos7:9.6".
08:25:16  ›   Error: Error: Failed to download image, reason: ImagePullBackOff, message:
08:25:16  ›    Back-off pulling image "centos/postgresql-96-centos7:9.6".
08:25:16  ›   Installation failed. Error log: /home/hudson/.cache/chectl/error.log.
08:25:16  ›   Eclipse Che logs: /tmp/chectl-logs/1605169464360

------ issue -----------------------------------------
    ✓ Open workspace (4625ms)
          ▼ Ide.waitAndSwitchToIdeFrame
          ▼ Ide.waitPreloaderVisible
    1) Wait for workspace readiness

  1 passing (6m)
  1 failing

  1) Validation of workspace start
       Wait for workspace readiness:
     TimeoutError: Exceeded maximum visibility checkings attempts for 'By(css selector, .theia-preload)' element, timeouted after 360000
      at DriverHelper.waitVisibility (/tmp/e2e/utils/DriverHelper.ts:146:15)
      at <anonymous>
      at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)

With best regards,
Dmytro Nochevnov
Senior Software Quality Engineer
CodeReady Workspaces QE team

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