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Re: [che-dev] Single-User Eclipse Che in a Vagrant VM for local/offline development env.


Mario Loriedo <mario.loriedo@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hey Olivier,
> Do you really need Vagrant/VirtualBox? Minkube can be installed on any OS
> without any extra virtualization layer and it deploys a lightweight VM.
> That means that you still have the stop/restore feature but require less
> resources (in terms of CPU and memory) and have a simpler
> installation/update (you only need to install minikube).

Sure, just minikube would be far easier, and probably lighter... but in
our case, we aim at standardizing virtual machine environments for
different classes and labs so that our users just have a standard way to
deploy them, vith Vagrant and VirtualBox (or libvirt, or...).

Thus, our VM can be quite featurefull, and one possible use if to have
k8s running inside, but we may have other ways for other lab

In any case, the users would just have to learn to type "vagrant up",
and not different ways for different environments ;-)

Another open source app that runs the same way (and which I've
contributed to) is Antidote-selfmedicate, which runs k8s locally for
testing Antidote, the software that powers the platform (see
[0] for a few more details)

I hope that's a sound use case, but YMMV ;-)

And yes, minikube with the 'none' driver adds some complexity and a few
hacks, but that's nice cause then I have to learn some of the underlying
machinery instead of targetting an already made k8s flavour... which
teaches me more, even sometimes a harder way ;) And that may be useful
if I want to go baremetal some day, maybe.

Best regards,


Olivier BERGER - OpenPGP 2048R/0xF9EAE3A65819D7E8
Ingenieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, Evry (France)

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