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Re: [che-dev] Single User Eclipse Che - does the community need it?


Let me respond with a few bits, in the context of my post just a few
minutes ago "Single-User Eclipse Che in a Vagrant VM for local/offline
development env." [0].

That post makes a case for a possible need for a single user mode. Of
course, in the same kind of VM, I could also quite well run PostgreSQL,
keycloak, etc. but this is a bit overbloat (I have such a setup in
another branch of the same repo [1]).

I'm a newcomer to the community, so I don't know how much that can count
for the whole community.

Regarding the -m option, I think it would probably make sense to keep
multi-user the default for chectl, and have a --singleuser option

The way I managed to make it work with singleuser without having to
provide a che-operator-cr-patch-yaml was to use helm, otherwise, with
operator, the default was multiuser at all times.

Whatever the decision, there's currently some inconsistency from my POV,
where I would expect operator or helm to have the same defaults... but I
may be overlooking some aspects, being relatively new to k8s and having
taught it to myself ;-)

My 2 cents,



Dmytro Nochevnov <dnochevn@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Hello everyone,
> I would like to open the discussion about if it's necessary to simplify
> installation of *Single User Eclipse Che,* which could be more
> convenient for someone for development in comparison to *Multi User Eclipse
> Che.*
> Earlier *Single User Eclipse Che* assembly was a default one, and there is "
> *--multiuser*" *chectl* property to install *Multi User Eclipse Che* based
> on *Keycloak*
> <>.
> As for now *chectl* is installing *Multi User Eclipse Che* by default, and
> it's needed to patch custom resource yaml with dedicated property "
> *CHE_MULTIUSER*" to install *Single User Eclipse Che*
> <>,
> which, IMHO, neither obvious nor convenient:
>> spec:
>>   server:
>>     customCheProperties:
>>       CHE_MULTIUSER: "false"
> -- 
> With best regards,
> Dmytro Nochevnov
> Senior Quality Engineer
> CodeReady Workspaces QE team

Olivier BERGER - OpenPGP 2048R/0xF9EAE3A65819D7E8
Ingenieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, Evry (France)

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