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[che-dev] Single User Eclipse Che - does the community need it?

Hello everyone,

I would like to open the discussion about if it's necessary to simplify installation of Single User Eclipse Che, which could be more convenient for someone for development in comparison to Multi User Eclipse Che.

Earlier Single User Eclipse Che assembly was a default one, and there is "--multiuser" chectl property to install Multi User Eclipse Che based on Keycloak.

As for now chectl is installing Multi User Eclipse Che by default, and it's needed to patch custom resource yaml with dedicated property "CHE_MULTIUSER" to install Single User Eclipse Che, which, IMHO, neither obvious nor convenient:
      CHE_MULTIUSER: "false"

With best regards,
Dmytro Nochevnov
Senior Quality Engineer
CodeReady Workspaces QE team

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