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[che-dev] Status of E2E tests check of Che/Che-theia repo PR

Hello everyone,

FYI: at the moment E2E Happy path tests fail on creation of test workspace by using the command "chectl workspace:start" - an issue
   * Che QE team is investigating the failure
   * Recognized by the following error message in jenkins job console log:

[01:15:25] Retrieving Che Server URL [started]
[01:15:25] Retrieving Che Server URL... [title changed]
[01:15:25] Retrieving Che Server URL... [completed]
[01:15:25] Verify if Che server is running [started]
[01:15:25] Verify if Che server is running...RUNNING (auth enabled) [title changed]
[01:15:25] Verify if Che server is running...RUNNING (auth enabled) [completed]
[01:15:25] Start following workspace logs [started]
[01:15:25] Start following workspace logs...done [title changed]
[01:15:25] Start following workspace logs...done [completed]
[01:15:25] Create workspace from Devfile /mnt/hudson_workspace/workspace/basic-MultiUser-Che-check-e2e-tests-against-k8s/test-workspace-devfile.yaml [started]
[01:15:27] Create workspace from Devfile /mnt/hudson_workspace/workspace/basic-MultiUser-Che-check-e2e-tests-against-k8s/test-workspace-devfile.yaml [completed]
Workspace IDE URL:
Eclipse Che logs will be available in '/mnt/hudson_workspace/workspace/basic-MultiUser-Che-check-e2e-tests-against-k8s/logs'
Cancelling nested steps due to timeout
Sending interrupt signal to process

With best regards,
Dmytro Nochevnov
Senior Quality Engineer
Che QE team

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