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[che-dev] Update on Che 7 GA release


We have 2 important communications:

1) Next week we are going to release another RC instead of the GA as planned initially
2) From next Wednesday we are going to limit the PRs that can be merged to master branch

We have decided to postpone the release of Che 7 because we didn't felt ready. Some important features have landed too recently and we still want to address some important issues. We consider that we still need 1 or 2 sprints to stabilise the codebase. The GA should happen somewhere between the 24th of July and the 14th of August.

To stabilise Che 7 we need a "quiet period" and starting from Wednesday the 3rd of July we will merge only the PRs that address issues labelled as blockers. Other PRs will be merged in feature branches or wait until after Che 7 release.

To evaluate if new issues are blockers or not we will triage them on a daily basis and communicate our proposals (blocker/no blocker) on the eclipse che mattermost channel. We have set up a group of 5 people (@nickboldt, @l0rd, @slemeur @tsmaeder, @rhopp) to serve as curators and do the daily triage. This role is open to any community member so please ping me, or any team leader, if you would like to contribute triaging issues.

To make it easier to track progress we have prepared and endgame document [1] that replaces the previous Che 7 GA epic [2]. This document is split up in the following sections:

- The endgame rules
- The current list of blockers split up in bugs, enhancements and documentation
- Current status of the e2e test suite
- The list of marketing and promotion tasks
- The FAQ

Postponing Che 7 release hasn't been an easy decision but we didn't want to release on time at the cost of a poor quality. 

We are still looking forward for your contributions in particular testing the nightly releases and providing your feedback on github, mattermost or here.



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