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[che-dev] "Hello World" issue for Che 7

Hi all,

I thought I would create a devfile for the simplest project I could
think of for Che 7, and document what was involved.

You can follow along here:

This is a single C file and Makefile to compile it to a binary.
Prerequisites are GCC and make, and I want to have a build target that
runs make, and a run target that runs hello in the terminal.

The issues I'm having are how to make a bare bones devfile. I get the
following errors (formated for ease of reading - 2 questions to follow):

> Error occurred during creation a workspace from devfile located at ``.
> Cause: Devfile schema validation failed.
> Errors: [
> /devfile/components/0 object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: ["mountsources"],
> instance failed to match exactly one schema (matched 0 out of 3),
> /devfile/components/0 object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: ["args","command","env","image","mountsources"],
> /devfile/components/0 object has missing required properties (["id"]),
> /devfile/components/0 object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: ["args","command","env","image","memoryLimit","mountsources"],
> instance failed to match at least one required schema among 2,
> /devfile/components/0 object has missing required properties (["reference"]),
> /devfile/components/0 object has missing required properties (["referenceContent"]),
> /devfile/components/0 object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: ["mountsources"]
> ]

My questions:

* Is there a devfile schema validator I can run locally which will save
me doing testing by trying to run this through (my
current testing method)?
* What is the strict minimal devfile that I would need to have to be
able to compile and run my project?


Dave Neary - Eclipse Che Ecosystem & Community Manager
Open Source and Standards - Red Hat
E: dneary@xxxxxxxxxx / T: @nearyd / Ph: +1-978-799-3338

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