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Re: [che-dev] Che 7 Internals, Architecture and Dev Workflow Docs

Hi Vijay,

Thanks for reaching out. You can find some high level architectural documentation here:

Take into consideration that today Che codebase is spread amongst at least the following github repositories:

- eclipse/che (che-server and che user dashboard)
- eclipse/che-plugin-broker
- eclipse/che-plugin-registry
- eclipse/che-theia

with che-incubator/chectl and che-devfile-registry that are coming as well. 

Based on what part of Che you are more interested to contribute to we can provide you more details. And if you haven't yet you can ping us on mattermost:

On Sat, May 25, 2019 at 2:06 AM Vijay Chakilam <vijaybchakilam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

I am very interested in the Eclipse Cloud Development projects and Che in particular. I am trying to get started with Che. I have followed the getting started instructions on the website and managed to run Che locally on Minikube. I would like to dive into the Che source code and start understanding it better. However, the codebase is a bit overwhelming for me and I am not sure where/how to get started. I couldn't find much resources or documentation describing the source code internals and architecture of Che and Che 7 in particular (apart from the dev workflow wiki page on github). I noticed there's an issue created about updating the dev workflow wiki page to Che 7 ( I would like to contribute to the project and perhaps with some help from people here, would love to collaborate to work on a internals/architecture/dev workflow document. Please let me know if you would like to collaborate or mentor me in this endeavor.

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