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[che-dev] Che 7 Internals, Architecture and Dev Workflow Docs

Hi all,

I am very interested in the Eclipse Cloud Development projects and Che in particular. I am trying to get started with Che. I have followed the getting started instructions on the website and managed to run Che locally on Minikube. I would like to dive into the Che source code and start understanding it better. However, the codebase is a bit overwhelming for me and I am not sure where/how to get started. I couldn't find much resources or documentation describing the source code internals and architecture of Che and Che 7 in particular (apart from the dev workflow wiki page on github). I noticed there's an issue created about updating the dev workflow wiki page to Che 7 ( I would like to contribute to the project and perhaps with some help from people here, would love to collaborate to work on a internals/architecture/dev workflow document. Please let me know if you would like to collaborate or mentor me in this endeavor.


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