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[che-dev] Minutes and video for last Che Community Call

Hi all,

Here is the video for our latest community meeting:

Subscribe to the YouTube channel to get updates when new videos are
uploaded - including tutorials, presentations, and community meeting videos.

Minutes and agenda:

Text copied below.

Thank you all for your participation!

Dave Neary
Anna Shumilova
Artem Zatsarynnyi
Barry Dresdner
David Festal
Florent Benoit
Gerben Oolbekkink
Gorkem Ercan
Ilya Buziuk
Mario Loriedo
Sergii Kabashniuk
Serhii Leshchenko
Son Nguyen
Sun Tan
Thomas Maeder
Vitalii Parfonov
Vladyslav Zhukovskyi
Yevhen Vydolob
Robert Kratky
Improve documentation:

The existing doc
The google doc will be move to a public google doc (Dave)
Robert has setup the structure for the new Che 7 doc (PR)
Documentation will be progressively moving from the google doc to the
new github repo structure (coordinated by the Doc team)

Single-user support on Docker in Che 7:

Jason asks whether single-user Che will continue to be supported on
Docker in Che 7?
Sergii confirms that single-user Che will continue to work , but that
running it with basic Docker is no longer supported, and minikube or
minishift are the preferred methods for running Che on a single host. He
also pointed at an article by Florent about running Che on Docker’s
embedded Kubernetes: Dropping single user support

Running Che server and workspaces on non-root:

Son Nguyen shared his progress on getting Che workspaces to run with a
non-root user context. Mario asked if Son could contribute the change to
make this the default, and they had a brief discussion on how to
generalize starting Che as a non-root user, and starting workspaces as a
non-root user.


Barry Dresdner asked a question about multiple projects with different
local git repositories - he has noticed that when he creates a second
project in a workspace, that files awaiting staging for the second
project are not showing the Git view. Gorkem suggests it could be
related to the multi-route support on the Theia side. He asks if they
attempted to reproduce with local Theia. Seems like a bug.

Dave asks how you like the community call format? More guest speakers,
more roadmap items and presentations, or more open discussion on pain
points as they arise? Jason: We like the call, and all 3 aspects are
useful. Son added that the community call is a last resort for him, when
he does not get an answer from other channels like che-dev. Gorkem
suggested reserving time on meetings after releases (which happen every
3 weeks - so it would be 2 calls out of 3) for project demos of what was
included in the previous release.

The next meeting will be on April 1st, and for European participants
moving to Daylight Savings Time will be 1h later. For anyone not moving
to Daylight Savings Time, the call will continue to be at the same time
for the next 6 months or so.

Dave Neary - Eclipse Che Ecosystem & Community Manager
Open Source and Standards - Red Hat
E: dneary@xxxxxxxxxx / T: @nearyd / Ph: +1-978-799-3338

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