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[che-dev] Managing website issues and source code in github?

Hi all,

I would like to use github to track website updates and issues, but having asked the Eclipse Foundation whether it's possible, the issue is kicking off a website deploy after new PR merges - there would need to be a manual step to pull changes from github into the repo and kick off a website deploy, it won't happen automatically.

The main issue I have is, I would like to be able to track individual changes we need to make to update the content, and group changes into epics related to Che 7 website changes to allow collaboration and tracking of progress.

Does anyone have a good suggestion for handling this? I have thought of using github for issue tracking, but not for PRs, and manage commits to separately. Anyone have a better idea?


Dave Neary - Eclipse Che Ecosystem & Community Manager
Open Source and Standards - Red Hat
E: dneary@xxxxxxxxxx / T: @nearyd / Ph: +1-978-799-3338

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