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[che-dev] Che 7 Beta release is approaching

Hi all,

We are really close to releasing Che 7 Beta. The ETA is the end of current sprint (in 3 weeks).

At the end of the sprint we will do 2 releases: 6.19.0 and 7.0.0-beta.1.0

6.19.0 should be the last Che 6 minor release. In master branch we will continue working towards Che 7.0.0 GA and we will break some Che 6 functionalities (e.g. docker support and GWT based workspaces). The default editor component will be theia and all workspaces/stacks will be base on the new mode. 
Details about what's included in Che 7 Beta and the remaining tasks are on the GitHub epic [1].



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