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Re: [che-dev] About versions of Che 7 plugins and editors

I do like the power that these features provide, providing them we need to make
sure we have proper answers for some non-obvious circumstances like:
- I'm an enterprise customer with high SLA requirements.
   How I can make sure that plugins that I'm used are not affected by "npm left pad chaos" [1].
   Shortly speaking how can I can protect myself from breaking changes that
authors of transitive(first-second -..... level) dependencies can make.
- Reproducible workspaces are no longer guarantee for 100%, but what If I want?

WDYT What would be your answer for this?

On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 3:02 PM Stevan LeMeur <slemeur@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks mario for summarizing.

Works for me too.

On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 2:01 PM Oleksandr Garagatyi <ogaragat@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
+1 to proposed case 1 and 2 solutions. 
And even if version range for a plugin would be interesting for the community we could add this feature later.

On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 2:10 PM Mario <mario.loriedo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

An initial discussion about Che 7 plugins versions was started on It's an important topic and I would like to bring it here to reach more people.

The questions are quite simple:

1. when defining the plugins of a workspace, should a user specify a particular version? no version at all? a specific range of versions (e.g. using ~ and ^ npm annotations)

- name: exec-plugin type: chePlugin id: che-machine-exec-plugin:0.0.1

2. and what about when, in a plugin definition, the maintainer of the plugin need to specify the editors compatible with the plugin (e.g. theia)? Should he specify the compatible versions of the editor as well? What about a range of versions?

editors: - id: org.eclipse.che.editor.theia:1.0.0

I think that for case 1. we should support:

- no version (defaults to latest version of plugin, that's what most of the people that try Che for the first time want)

- specific version (that's for people that look for reproducible workspaces, one of Che promises)

For 2. we should support:

- no version (the plugin is compatible with whatever version of Theia Che is using)

- a range of versions (using ~ and ^ the npm way)


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