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[che-dev] Che 6.16 dependency upgrade

In Che 6.16 a lot of dependencies have been upgraded with this PR 

Most notable change is the removal of Guice Multibinding depenendency, as it has become a part of Guice core library in latest version.
So, "guice-multibindings" artifact has been removed from Che parent and all upstream repositories. 

If you have a build failing because unable to resolve dependency for "guice-multibindings"
simply remove it from the POM, and use core Guice library instead ("")

There are also possible issues with building specific assemblies, that cannot access classes from "swagger-jaxrs" library, for example:

/che/che/assembly/assembly-wsagent-war/src/main/java/org/eclipse/che/wsagent/server/ error: package io.swagger.jaxrs.config does not exist

These issues won't happen if you perform a fresh pull and build of che-parent -> che-lib -> che



Red Hat 


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