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[che-dev] Faild status in CHE core.

Hi Sergii,

Hope you remember the meeting we had (you zoya and me ) regarding a few issues we found in che .

One of the issues we discussed (that I'm wondering about its status )was as following:

When a specific runner implementation throw an Runner exception , this puts the status of the newly created process in Failed.


The issue is as following –from the core side when someone wishes to stop/delete that process (with failed as its status ), it cannot be done .

The reason for this is that there is an "if” statement that doesn’t allow stop operation of processes with the status Failed.

It's Equivalent to a situation that doesn’t allow recovery from error state, so the process will be there for ever .


Like I mentioned before, I was wondering was there any progress regarding that issue. During the last meeting you told me you will talk with the developers and get back to me . we haven’t spoken since, hence I would like to know if you have any updates ?




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