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[cf-dev] Handling network prefix change

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has already figured out how to deal with a possible IPV6 prefix change at the networking level.

Let’s suppose that i have a RPi running a CF-server, such RPi is auto-configured with an IPV6 prefix that comes from a Router Advertisement (RA) on ethernet port (let’s say aaaa::/64). Now the CF-server could start and it will bind on every ethernet address.

Let’s suppose that later on a new RA advertises a new prefix (bbbb::/64), the network card will auto-reconfigure itself, but the CF-Server will remain active with the old binding (making it unreachable).

Is there a way to detect and reconfigure (rebind the CF-server endpoints) on such change?

I think that my doubts are mostrly java-releated, because the element to play with should be the DatagramSocket, however I’m facing difficulties on finding a solution, so any suggestion, idea or criticism is greatly appreciated.


Simone Bolettieri


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