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[cf-dev] HTTP connector for cf

Hi All,

I am trying to develop the httpconnector which can be used for NBIOT. I am new to cf code base and have few basic questions. Can you please clarify?
cf-proxy will not fit this use case because we don't know the COAP resource associated with the message so mapping the http request to coap resource is not possible.

UseCase for NBIOT:
In this particular use case the coap-client registers with Intermediate node(C-SGN) and the message will reach the coapserver via REST interface.

Basic questions on coap/cf.
1. COAP resources are created first(Listing possible CRUD operations which can be done on the resource) and then they are associated with coap-endpoint.  coap clients gets the resource details via the endpoint and performs certain operations

Can we create the new resources from the coap client? If yes can you outline the steps? In all the examples the resources are created in the server side.

Adding new httpConnector
 I have highlighted only the portion which I am not familiar with. Need help in defining the coapHttpStack. Should I follow the same approach of TCP? In case of tcp you are using the netty package to handle the transport and in my case Iam planning to use Jetty.

Server :
Create a httpServer(Jetty: listen on IP1 and P1) and coap endpoint is also created with the same  details.
NewClass: HtttpServerConenctor

Instantiate the http client based on the uriScheme  and send the request to server. 

I can see the request going out from the client and it directly reaches the  http server endpoint.
I guess the next step will be to pass the request to msg serialization and then to the coap exchange store to get the response? I need to figure out a way to call the serialization  from the I/o transport.(http)
High level flow will be as below?
Serialization--> MsgMatcher-->coapExchange-->UpdateClient.

Any major changes is foreseen for the coapstack with http?
Can you please share your thoughts?

thanks in advance

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