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[cf-dev] Multiple response to one request

Hello everybody,

I'm currently using californium and I'm trying to have this kind of scenario, a client/server communication :
- Client send a request which correspond to an action that take some time (so a POST or PUT, in my case it's a PUT..)
- Server send a first response, indicating to the client that he will do the best for doing this action (kind of ACCEPTED code response)
... the action is perform and taking a lot of time ...
- Server send a second response indicating that the action has been successfully perform.

But well, when i'm trying to do program it with Californium i got stuck.
Basically, it seems that a client cannot get multiple response for one request, right ?
I mean, i exclude the "observe" property which is not suitable in my case. Because as far as i know, observe rely to the GET verb.. and i'm using a PUT verb here.

A possible solution, correct me if i am wrong (or if it's not relevant),  would be to have an asynchronous handler that is associated to a token ?
Because currently, the asynchronous handler handle just one request.

Best regards,

Laurent Lemke.

* Laurent Lemke 
* Doctorant CIFRE - Orange Labs 
* Université de Grenoble: équipe ERODS (LIG) & équipe Synchrone (VERIMAG) 

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