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Re: [cdt-dev] Enhancement proposal for register handling

If not needed, I'd prefer to keep things simple, without a prefix.  The idea is to make it as easy
as possible for users to get to see the expressions they want, so the simpler the format the better.

From: xgsa [mailto:xgsa@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 3:58 PM
To: Marc Khouzam
Cc: 'CDT General developers list.'
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] Enhancement proposal for register handling

I am not sure it is a critical issue (I could open a bug though). Don't you think it is better to add some prefix ("group: var1, var2") or e.g. take the group in square brackets ("[var1, var2]") to explicitly emphasize that it is a group but not a simple _expression_?


-------- Original message --------
That is an interesting point.
The current implementation assumes that ',' and ';' can only be group separators.  Therefore,
it is not possible to use those two characters anymore as part of an _expression_.
If you can open a bug, I think we can do something like perl does, and let the user
choose which of ',' and ';' is the separator, freeing the other one to be used as part
of the _expression_.

From: xgsa [mailto:xgsa@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 11:04 AM
To: CDT General developers list.
Cc: Marc Khouzam
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] Enhancement proposal for register handling

Thanks for link, the clarification in comment was helpful. However it also leads to another question. How to distinct "var1, var2" meaning group with var1 & var2 from C++ _expression_ containing to variables and overloaded operator ","?

Note: I have tried to evaluate an _expression_ containing overloaded "," with gdb 7.3.1, but it seems it does not support calling overloaded operator ",". However the other operators (e.g. "+") work properly, so it seems like a bug.


-------- Original message --------
Glob-patterns for variables is a little tricky to handle so it was not implemented at this time (beyond the single _expression_ '*'). 
I think it would be great to support these, but I personally won't have time to work on it in the near future.  If someone wants
to take a stab at it, that would be great.
The complexity is in the collisions between glob-syntax and C/C++-syntax.
One way forward is proposed at

From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of xgsa
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 9:40 AM
To: CDT General developers list.
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] Enhancement proposal for register handling


Cool feature! I am wondering what was the final decision about using glob-patterns for variables? Will they be supported or not (as I can see in N&N they are not supported yet)?


-------- Original message --------
FYI, the proposal below has been implemented and pushed to master.  You are welcomed to
try it and give feedback.
Note that the solution went a bit further than the proposal, where the Expressions view
not only supports glob-patterns but also comma-separated lists of expressions e.g., $eax, myvar, $$s*
See the New&Noteworthy for the short description:

From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Marc Khouzam
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:39 PM
To: 'CDT General developers list.'
Subject: [cdt-dev] Enhancement proposal for register handling

I would like to propose an enhancement to the Expressions view for CDT Debug.  We are focusing on the
Juno release right now, but since we discussed the idea in the CDT monthly call, I'm sending this proposal now.
I created a wiki page with more details and screenshots (, as well as
a bug (  Below is a summary.
Currently, the Registers view for CDT/GDB shows all registers in a flat list.  For targets with a large number of
registers this is not very user-friendly.
I propose to support pattern-matching within the Expressions view to allow users to easily create groups of
registers. For example:
$*  would display all  registers
$st[0-5 would show  $st0, $st1 , ... $st5 
The user would simply type the _expression_ in the "Add new _expression_" box as she would for
any other _expression_.
Although this feature is focusing on registers (only _expression_s starting with $  will allow patterns)
it may be a nice enhancement to extend this to other expressions.  If that was also supported, a user
could do such things as create an _expression_ 'myArray[20-120] to only show a subset of an array; many
other examples can be imagined as well.
With such possibilities in mind, the prototype does allow for the _expression_: *   which will automatically
show all local variables and arguments of the selected stack frame.
Comments and suggestions are very welcomed.

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