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Re: [cdt-dev] Debugging tutorial ?

> If you right-click on your project and select
> "Debug As->Local C/C++ Applications" it should start the debugger.

I managed to launch the debugger, but gdb doesn't stop at my breakpoints.

> Yes, the documentation included in eclipse has not been updated
> in too long. Contributions would help get the ball rolling.
> We desperatly need someone to take charge of the Windows side
> of the CDT debugging. Someone that would try out features
> and report problems regularly would already be a great help.

Actually, I am developing on Linux by now, but I come from Windows, and so doesn't know anything about gdb.
And I guess that people from me could be the main source of CDT users :
Windows users will use Visual C++, and Linux users will use emacs, vim... (that's what happens at my office).

> I'm glad you took the time to write this email.  If people
> give up without letting us know why, we can't improve.
> I can't promise to get the docs all better soon, but your
> point will hopefully remind us to keep the docs updated.

I would be OK to be associated with someone knowing well the Linux environment and CDT.
I could provide some newbie questions and problems, and write the doc. But I need support.

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