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[cdt-dev] Re: [cdt-test-dev] Sanity CDT Build 2.0M7

JUnit tests did run and all passed.

Doug Schaefer, Senior Software Developer
IBM Rational Software, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

James Ciesielski/Ontario/Contr/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: cdt-test-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/16/2004 10:50 AM

Please respond to

cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, cdt-test-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
[cdt-test-dev] Sanity CDT Build 2.0M7

Recommendation:      Build can be adopted.

Test Windows 2.0M7 Linux 2.0M7
0 No JUnit testing results to report No JUnit testing results to report
1 Pass Pass
2 Pass Pass
3 Pass Pass
4 Pass Pass
5 Pass Pass
6 Pass Pass
7 Pass Pass
8 Pass Pass
9 Pass Fail (52155)

The following bug was discovered while executing the sanity tests (it does not appear to affect the stability/functionality of this build):
      52155 - BundleException when exiting from Eclipse after using CDT (Linux only)

Sanity testing assumes your environment is set-up with:
   a. Sun JDK 1.4.2_02 on your path ("java -version")
   b. g++, nm, c++filt is on your path
   c. "gdb -version" = 5.2.1, 5.3, or 6.0
   d. You run Eclipse 3.0M7 (with or without the -data argument)
   e. Use Install/Update Perspective to get to

Sanity Tests:

0.  JUnit Tests
1.  You can create new projects.
   a. Create a new (Standard Make) C++ project
   b. Create a new (Managed Build) C++ project
2.  You can import existing projects.
   a. Import an existing C++ project (eg. HelloWorld) from somewhere on disk.
3.  You can build a Standard Make project.
   a. Ensure that a valid Makefile exists in the project.
   b. Project > Build initiates a build.
4.  You can build a Managed Make project.
   a. Ensure that the Managed C++ Make project was created to produce (depending on your host) a Cygwin/Linux/Solaris Executable.
   b. Disable Window > Preferences > Workbench > Perform build automatically
   c. Use New Class Wizard for a class "Foo" (accept defaults) to create a Foo.cpp and Foo.h file.
   d. In "Foo.cpp", type "main" then Ctrl-Space to add a template for main().  (Add a trailing newline.)
   e. Project > Rebuild creates the Makefile and builds an executable.
5.  Files are parsed for language highlighting, and for Outline View.
   a. Open a CPP file in a C++ project and verify language and outline view.
6.  You can edit and save C/C++ files.
   a. Enable Window > Preferences > Workbench > Perform build automatically
   b. Open a CPP file, modify something, and save.
   c. Saving the file causes an automatic build.
7.  You can use the C/C++ Search mechanism.
   a. Enable indexer for project.
   b. From the Search dialog, find all Class Declarations named "*" in Workspace.
8.  You can create and run debug configurations.
   a. Make sure you have built (with -g option) a simple executable.
   b. Create a new Debug configuration (using GDB/Cygwin Debugger)
   c. Set "Break at start of main()".
   d. Run the configuration.
   e. Step over a statement, or run to a break-point.
   f. Run to completion.
9. You can close the session.
   a. If started from the command-line (Unix/Linux), no messages were produced on the console.
   b. There are no errors in the .metadata/.log file

James Ciesielski
IBM Rational Software, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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